Kris Valdez

  • The Mom with the Rhino in Her Purse

    Last week was my daughter’s last concert of the school year. She’s a rock star drummer, at least in my eyes and as much as a budding 7th grade girl can be. In our town, we have a beautiful outdoor amphitheater where even famous musicians come to play in the summer. However, on this…

  • Trusting God in Sickness and in Health

    You may have noticed that this blog has been sitting dormant for quite some time. See, I have been sick. Actually, to say I have been sick this winter and spring would be an understatement. To say that this has impacted my life and those around me wouldn’t do the last few months justice.…

  • God’s Timing Can Mean a Good Haircut

    What happens when we step out in our own timing and don’t wait on God? Sometimes a bad haircut, sometimes worse. The other night, our youngest was taking a bath and announced his hair was too long so he needed a haircut. Never mind that he’d gotten a haircut three weeks ago. We also…

  • Stop Shoulding All Over Ourselves

    Sometimes we put pressure on ourselves with the word, “should.” For example, I should workout, I should eat healthier, or I should stop gorging myself on another Netflix marathon after a long, exhausting week at the office. It’s not that any of these things are good or bad (my doctor may beg to differ…

  • Failure is a Good Thing

    Growing up, I remember my parents asking me about my biggest fear. I was sitting in the backseat of my dad’s Cadillac sinking into the soft, cream-colored interior running errands after church. I’m sure the sermon that day had to do with fear because that was the topic of conversation in the car that…

  • Need Grace?

    What do we do when we don’t meet our expectations? Are we willing to extend ourselves grace? Recently, I was extended grace by the deputy that pulled me over. Yes, I was going above the speed limit and had no idea how fast I was going. I wasn’t even trying to get anywhere except…

  • Gaining in 2016

    By this time in February every year, it seems like New Year’s Resolutions have already fallen by the wayside; the hope of working out everyday is now embodied in the exercise bike sitting in the corner now being used as a drying rack for clothes. The goal of eating healthy has disappeared with the…

  • You’re God’s Favorite

    The beautiful thing about the a new year is the offering of a clean slate. It’s the opportunity for all of us to start over, let go of the past and look forward to the future. However, does this take into account the present? In the rush of the holidays, New Year’s resolutions, making…

  • The Reason for the Season

    Welcome to Christmas 2015! As I write my first blog post, I can’t believe I’m kicking this thing off during the rush of the holiday season. Not just the holiday season, but on Christmas Eve no less. This brought to mind the desire to be perfect, hence the name of my blog, Not Perfect,…