You may have noticed that this blog has been sitting dormant for quite some time. See, I have been sick. Actually, to say I have been sick this winter and spring would be an understatement. To say that this has impacted my life and those around me wouldn’t do the last few months justice. This time of sickness has made me begin to think about my life balance.
I’m known by those closest to me that I like to go Mach 2 with my hair on fire to steal a line from one of my favorite 80’s movies. Everyone around me says I move fast and I’m not happy unless I have that adrenaline rush going through my system.
This made me wonder as my body was forcing me to rest, whether I liked it or not, where is God in all my rushing and adrenaline searching life? Have I really taken to heart, “Be still and know that I am God…” from Psalms 46:10? Even when I’m still, I admit the daily “To Do List” and things I haven’t yet added to the list cloud my brain.
I’m one that journals my prayers to God. If I don’t, my mind wanders down each bunny trail that hops in my head and rarely do I get back on track with my original reason for getting on my knees.
The point in all these ramblings is where is God in all my craziness? How much of my craziness is self imposed because I love the adrenaline rush? What would happen if I let go and allowed God to work out my problems rather than strategize at 2 am on how to get over or around the latest obstacle in my path? What if I let God handle those obstacles and instead I pray for wisdom on whether I should be going over them, around them, or blow them up?
Instead of learning to survive the day, dragging those along with me, one begrudging step at a time, what would happen if I learned to thrive in spite of the troubles and obstacles around me?
The Lord did not come so we could live life with our heads down, shoulders rolled under weight of all that is asked of us. John 10:10 says, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (NKJV)
Slowly, oh, so very slowly, in small baby steps, I’m learning to let go and live this life with trust in the Lord while asking for wisdom on my roles in sometimes those self imposed obstacles. I strive to feel that spiritual abundance that God has promised us. When I choose to spend time alone with God, asking for wisdom over and over again as if on repeat play in my iPod, He whispers to me, “Trust me, I’ve got this.”
Is there something in your life that you need to hear God say, “I got this?” Because He does.
Share your thoughts!