The Cost of Compromise

There is a cost in compromising. We ask ourselves, “What difference will it make? Who will know?” It’s questions like these which can lead us into to compromise.

Comprise our values.

Compromise our faith.

Compromise who we are, who God made us to be.

We start compromising in the little things.

At one time we were committed to our health. Then we skipped a day or two at the gym. “Does it matter if I miss a day or two?” we ask ourselves. Will one day or two days make a difference in my health? It might not in the short turn, but the compromise a couple of days could move into a week, then a month, and before we know it, our fat day jeans no longer fit.

For the men that read this blog, you might not understand the fat day jean analogy. Ask any woman in your life. She’ll explain it.

Or we compromise at work. Will anyone know if I’m playing around on Facebook instead of doing my job? Just a quick game of Candy Crush. Then I’ll buckle down and finish my report.

It’s these little slips which lead to more significant compromises. These examples might not seem like a big deal, but how does corporate embezzlement start? A few dollars here, a few dollars there and before a person realizes how far they have fallen from their values, they are being brought up on charges.

I’m not saying if we play Candy Crush at work we’re going to wind up wearing an orange jumpsuit and serving 5 to 10 in the big house. But, we need to live a life of integrity.

In Luke 16:10 (NIV) it says, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”

We can’t become who God wants us to be unless with stop compromising.We can’t become who God wants us to be unless with stop compromising. Share on X

God wants to bless us with more, but He needs to know He can trust us with the calling He’s placed in our lives.

Stepping into our calling takes courage without compromise.

When we compromise, we can’t step into all God has for us. This doesn’t mean if there is a place in your life where you are compromising that it can’t be changed and restored by God. God is the restorer of all things. He is the God of second chances and comebacks. All He wants from us is to turn back to Him and how He wants us to live in accordance with His laws.

Sometimes we compromise because we think it will bring us freedom from something. It could be financial freedom, time freedom, or freedom from what others think of us. We all have our reasons for compromising. Unfortunately, none of them are reasons to deviate from our calling.

God loves us too much to allow our compromise to continue. At some point, we get caught. It might not be today, tomorrow or in this lifetime, but God knows when we are not giving our best.

Are you giving your best in everything you do or are you allowing compromise to invade your life? Share it in the comments below to help others.

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