Sometimes we put pressure on ourselves with the word, “should.” For example, I should workout, I should eat healthier, or I should stop gorging myself on another Netflix marathon after a long, exhausting week at the office. It’s not that any of these things are good or bad (my doctor may beg to differ however), but when we put the word should in from of them, it changes our mindset about them.
Imagine instead of Jesus thinking that he has the privilege of laying down His life for us; He said I really should do this for all future believers. What a difference this creates in the picture of His willingness to give up His life for us. Instead of it being a gift he so lovingly presents us with it becomes an obligation.
Picture the “should’s” in your life right now. For me, my “should” used to be carving out quite time with God, instead of looking to this time as a place to reflect, refresh and renew, it became a “should” that I could check off the box of my daily Christian walk. Instead of allowing my time to mean something, it became a legalistic view of my obligation to God. I’ve spent my time with God, now I can go on with my day and do my own thing.
Instead of seeing this time as a “should,” I began to look at it as a privilege. I remember hearing in sermon at church, that the moment we begin praying, we have spiritually entered the throne room of God. Imagine that! We are all just a prayer away from being next to God. This is a privilege indeed. I’m allowed to hold court with the King of Kings anytime I want through the day or night.
Instead of “shoulding” my quiet time in the morning, it has become my privilege to spend time with God, not just in the morning, but continually throughout the day and even at night when the pressures of life don’t allow me to sleep. Are there areas in your life where you need to stop “shoulding?” Please share them in the comments.
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