This post is late. Not because I have any less commitment to writing this blog or my faithful readers. Thank you for still reading after two years of my musings appearing on your screen.
This post is late because I hit a wall. Not a real wall. For those of you who know me in real life, this is an actual possibility.
No, I hit an emotional wall. The one that feels like it comes out of nowhere and stops me dead in my tracks.
My daily habits have fallen by the road of life as I trudge through my days working in survival mode.
My husband is a firefighter in Colorado. If anyone has watched the news lately, this means he hasn’t been home much due to wildfires across the state. Sometimes he’s not on the fires, but when he sends crews out, he covers the shifts they miss.
The job which currently pays the bills is chaotic. My body proved this to me when I came down with stress hives two weeks ago. Y’all, I hadn’t had stress hives since grad school when I was going to school full time and working full time.
I’m not saying all this to make you feel sorry for me or be concerned. Hitting the wall made me realize, I need to slow down and take to heart, Psalm 46:10 (NLT), which says,
“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.”
My life has become about obligations and making sure the everything on the “To Do List” is checked before my head hit the pillow.
Be still?
Who has time for that?
No, I need to keep pushing, doing, and being who everyone expects me to be.
Need me to stay late and finish a report? You betcha!
Need snacks for after the T-ball game? Sign me up!
Need me to take one of our kids two and a half hours away to see a specialist? I’ll cover it!
Then I hit a wall.
I think God allows me to hit the wall so I can see it’s not about me or even those around me. It comes down to my relationship with God.
All beautiful relationships are nurtured over time and with time together. Our relationship with God is no exception. My time with God the last few weeks has become an obligation rather than a time of refreshment.
A check in the box. Nothing more.
God showed me I couldn’t do anything without coming to Him first. However, I can do anything with Him.
Philippians 4:13 (NLT) promises, “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”
Instead of assuming I need to handle all that life throws at me on my own, I need to turn it over to God by allowing Him to make a way through my wall.
How do you handle hitting the wall? Share it in the comments below to encourage others.
Share your thoughts!