On Monday, it’s New Years. New Years is about fresh starts and creating a path for a more productive year. But what if we take our goals and then tell God how we’d like them fulfilled? Is that what God wants from us? I don’t think so. In Proverbs 16:9 (NLT) it states, “We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.” God wants us to work on our goals with Him and through Him. Instead, it says in Proverbs 16:3 (NIV) we are to “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”
What does it look like to have a Godly goal? Is this something that we pursue while neglecting everything else in our lives? Should we be so hyperfocused on our goals that we push away all the other blessings God has put in our lives?
Another course is that we go with the flow and don’t take action until God gives us clear direction. It’s as if we have dug in our spiritual heels and we aren’t moving until God gives us an answer or gives us our own way.
Or we are so fearful that the thought of stepping out and doing anything sends us into a tailspin of wondering if we are doing the right thing. In the business world, we call this analysis paralysis. We become so concerned with making sure we don’t make a wrong move that we don’t do anything.
God will honor us stepping out in faith with the goals that we think He has given us. Even if we are on the wrong path, He will gently correct our course if we live close to Him. However, developing a list of goals outside of consulting God can be an exercise in futility. Trust me. I know. I have the t-shirt.
For years, I would spend time developing goals in the vacuum of my mind. Without consultation with others or with God, I would get a wild idea and pursue it. God isn’t going to honor the ideas that come from the latest webinar sales pitch. I love a good marketing pitch and many times I’ve bought whatever program they are selling without thinking it through. I cringe at the idea of how much time and money I’ve wasted pursuing things that weren’t God’s best for me.
This goes back to the Bible verse above, “We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9 (NLT). We can make whatever plans we want, but ultimately, God is in control. He is the one the gives us every good thing and allows trials into our lives. Nothing, absolutely nothing, touches our lives without the permission of God. Therefore, it’s imperative that we develop our goals for 2018 in conjunction with the One who determines our steps.
Here are four ways to develop goals that are in step with God.
- Get alone with God. This is crucial to hearing what goals He wants us to purse. We can’t hear God, unless we spend time alone with Him. I sometimes find myself, waiting to be spoon fed the Word. This isn’t what we have been called to do. I need create a habit of spending time with God, in my prayer journal, but also reading the Bible.
- Write it down. This may seem weird at first, but it will get easier the more time we spend alone with God. Write down what you hear during the time that you’ve gotten alone with God. He speaks to us in a way that is most impactful to our heart. God wants us to pay attention to Him and He does this through speaking to us when we are quiet with Him.
- Act it out. This means getting into action. We can’t come before God, make our requests, and then sit, waiting for God to move. There is a story in the Bible about the man with the mat by the pool of water. (John 5:1-15) Jesus asked if he wanted to be healed. Of course the man said yes, but answered that he was too slow to get to the pool. Then Jesus told him what he must do. Rise and walk. Do you need to rise and walk to what God has called you to do?
- Let it go. This is another way of saying, leave the results up to God. When we have done our part, it’s up to God for doors to open or other paths to be revealed. If we have completed what God has commanded us to do, then we can rest in the assurance that everything will work out according to God’s will.
I’ve leave you with these four questions: Are you spending time alone with God? Are you writing down what you hear? Do you need to take action on what you’ve heard? Do you need to leave the results to God? Answer these in the comments below to encourage others on their journey for Godly goals for their life.
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