We’re getting the blog back together. It’s like getting a band back together. Only this is writing, not music and it’s me getting back on the blog bandwagon after an unintended two-year break.
After a long hiatus and putting together what I want this blog to look like in the future, my advisory team, consisting of my friends and family, decided to take the blog in a new direction. It’s based on what we’ve been through, how we’ve grown, and how we’ve learned to be more authentic with each other and being authentic with ourselves when we’re sitting alone with our thoughts. I want to create the most authentic life I can.
Being authentic means being true to ourselves and how God has created us to be.
First, I want to cover what being authentic isn’t on this blog. It’s not about airing the dirty laundry of my life in the full view of my readers without purpose. It’s not about dissecting grievances about what is going on in my life for no reason. It’s not about writing and publishing whatever jumps into my brain and pushed through my fingers on a keyboard.
Now, hear this. Please. This blog is about opening up my life and my struggles with you. Guess what? This does mean airing out some of the dirty laundries of my life for a reason. It does mean dissecting my grievances for a purpose. Here’s the difference between moving from venting and complaining to teaching and healing. I plan to use my mistakes and struggles to encourage you to live the authentic life God wants you to live. Showing you the truth of my heart will hopefully speak to strengthening your authentic heart.
I hope you will come along on this journey with me. It’s one that’s taking me a time of reflection and consideration with my Creator figuring out how to live my most authentic life. My hope is you’ll learn from my discoveries and my mistakes so I’m changing this blog to reflect the growth that I’ve taken over the last few years.
Here’s a sneak peek about what we’ve going to be delving into together:
- Mindset matters and it could be what’s holding us back,
- Living the authentic life every day with God and what that looks like,
- Being intentional by keeping track of what’s important in our life,
- Impactful daily affirmations in our lives.
My goal is for this blog to be a resource when you need to add a little pep in your step. A positive push in the direction you need to travel to be your best self. It’s about creating a community of connections with others to find and live our true selves.
What do you think about the new direction of the blog? How are you struggling to live your most authentic life? What does it look like for you to live the authentic life?
Let me know in the comments below or if that feels too open, reach out to me through my email.
Share your thoughts!