Life is a journey. Hopefully, we are all able to take a long journey. But, are we finding joy in the journey, no matter how long it is?
It’s one thing to go through life as if we are trudging and dragging our feet in mud; shoulders drooping from the weight of our problems. It’s another thing to move through life, understanding there are trials, but instead of struggling with overwhelm, we accept what comes our way and let it go. Allowing it to pass through us to the waiting hands of God.
God knows we would have troubles in this world. In John 16:33 (NLT) it says, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
The victory is already ours to proclaim.
But are we trusting in this promise?
God has already overcome anything this world can throw at us. Does this mean it will be easy? Absolutely not! I’ve found in my own life when the trials are bearing down on me, causing me to question my choices and what brought me to this place, this is the time when my relationship with God deepens. It’s during these times of gut wrenching struggles that God walks beside me and holds me up with holy hands. He allows me to feel His presence in a deeper way.
It’s also during these times of trial that God allows U-turns. Nothing comes as a surprise to God. God doesn’t sit in heaven, wringing His hands, saying, “Wow, I didn’t know Kris was going to go in that direction. I hope she can figure out that she’s supposed to be going the other way.”
No, God in sometimes subtle ways or sometimes our mistakes are on full display for the world to see, He helps us go in the right direction if we allow His still, small voice to penetrate our hearts. God can allow mistakes in our lives to challenge us, to draw closer to Him and to shape us into the people we are meant to become.
I am a very black and white person. Living in the gray areas of life are difficult for me. Indecision makes me looney. My attention to details, my need to make anything fun and filled with laughter makes those around me looney.
But, I’m also the first one to admit that organization is not one of my strengths. I’d say, ninety percent of the time, my house looks like a tornado went through it. Here’s hoping you stop by during the ten percent timeframe when it’s neatly organized.
But God didn’t call me to be the organization queen. There are some awesome blogs out there on organization, but I’m being real here, I probably won’t be one of them. Ever. Neatly displaying a before and after picture of my drawers and closets isn’t in my future. I’m fortunate when I can walk into my closet. Organization is not one of my gifts. Thank goodness He’s given my husband this gift.
Here’s the thing. I really wanted the gift of organization to come easily to me. It doesn’t. I wanted to be the organization queen. I was making myself miserable trying to be something I’m not. Instead of focusing on the journey God has called me to walk, I was walking down another path meant for someone else.
It stole my joy.
Trying to fit into a mold that wasn’t created for us, is a killer of our joy. No matter how hard we work to create something apart from God, He will not bless us with joy. We find joy in our journey when we are connected to the gifts God has given us and we use those gifts to point others to Him.
Are you finding joy in your journey? Or do you need a God inspired U-turn? Share it in the comments below to encourage others.
I am forever grateful to God. I need Him, yes I do. I always need His guidance because at times I feel weak and that I cannot get through some situations in life. Then I remember that everything that has a beginning, has also an end, so hard times are to get through with and the only way to overcome pain, is to go through it.
Thanks for sharing your vision. I really liked reading your article.
Hi Alessandro,
Glad you enjoyed the article! You’re right everything has a beginning and an end, but it’s in the journey between these two points where we find joy with trusting in God’s path for us.
The journey is everything. Let’s give thanks for our path.
Well said, Alessandro! Thank you!