It’s Day Four and we’re in the home stretch of finding focus in our lives. How are you doing at finding some more focus? Today we are going to be talking about God’s role in our lives. Many times I’ve questioned God’s motives in a situation, but my role isn’t to ask why, it’s to trust that God is trying to teach me something or help me grow closer to Him, which leads me to the next letter in F.O.C.U.S which U = Understand God’s Role in Our Lives.
As a reminder, this is what I have F.O.C.U.S. mean:
F = Finding Peace
O = Observing Our Habits
C = Christ Centered Life
U = Understanding God’s Role in Our Life
S = Simplify Our Lives
Over five days, there will be a post for each letter.
Day 4
U = Understanding God’s Role in Our Lives: It seems like there are three stages in life: heading into a trial, being in the middle of a trial or coming out of a trial. Where is God in the midst of this trial process? This is one of the hardest questions I had in my life. The Bible says in John 16:33 (NIV) “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” God’s role in our life is not to keep us from trials. In the eyes of a toddler, learning to walk and communicate are trials, but if they don’t go through these things, they won’t grow as a person. The same goes for us. We need trials in our lives to grow our faith and our skills to trust God. We will have trouble, but God is there to provide comfort and encouragement during the trial.
How do you see God’s role in your life? Share in the comments below to encourage others.
Tomorrow, we tackle the final letter S = Simplify Our Lives. Sign up for the email list, so you don’t miss a single letter this week.
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