Fighting Fear

Fear is tough. It can paralyze us. It can stop the work God wasn’t to do in our live because we can’t image taking one more step on the path God has laid out for us. Moving towards the dreams He’s put in our hearts becomes almost impossible with fear. The sweaty palms, hearts racing, continually replaying the what if’s and the if only’s in our mind.

It all comes down to fear.

Fear of the unknown, fear of what we’ve done, fear of being found out or fear of not being enough. These are all the weapons the enemy uses to keep us from our God given purpose.

Do not let the enemy win. Let me say it again.

Do not let the enemy win!

We need to fight the fear that he is shooting at our dreams and protect our heart from the lies he whispers to us. So how do we keep from going under to fear? Here are four ways to fight using the word F.E.A.R.

F=Fight: Part of fighting is to know when to fight and when to allow someone else to fight the battle. In fighting fear, it’s about allowing God out on the battlefield first. God, along with His truth can clear the way for us. How do we do this? We pray His truth into our lives.

For example, in Deuteronomy 20:4 (NIV) it says, “For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory,” and in Exodus 14:14 (NIV) it says, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” When it comes to fear, the Lord will go before us and clear the battlefield. He wants us to be successful and overcome the fear and doubts the enemy has planted in our hearts with deceit. When we fight, we fight fear with the Truth. This Truth will encourage us which leads me to my next letter.

E=Encouragement: To fight our fears we need the encouragement of others. This comes with getting together with other believers. It could be a small group which meets in our home or church. It could be someone you meet with on a regular basis to build each other up. It we are complete introverts, our fellowship can come from the encouragement contained in God’s Word. In 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (ESV) it says, “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”

In this world it seems to be a pastime to tear others down. I know I’m guilt of this. Tearing each other down grows our fears rather than fighting them. God has called us to be encouragers of one another and build each other up. We not only do this with believers, but with non-believers as well. It will show God’s love through our actions, which leads to the next point.

A=Action: One of the best ways to combat fear is through taking action. Sometimes the fear of getting started is worse than actually getting the task done. By getting into action or activity with the thing we fear most, it reduces the fear or eliminates it completely. There are reasons behind our fear. It could be a healthy fear to keep us safe or it could be a fear meant to keep us from growing and achieving our dreams.

The important thing is to know the difference. How do we know the difference?

By listening to the will of God.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve made decisions based on a position of fear rather than faith. When I’ve made a decision in fear, it has always turned out badly. When I’ve stepped out in faith, the rewards are too sweet to comprehend.

The Lord rewards the action of those stepping out in faith. Once we take our God directed action, we are ready for the final step, Receive.

R=Receive: When we step out of our fear and do what God calls us to do, we receive His blessings and favor. These blessings and favor may come in different forms. This doesn’t always mean monetary things.

The blessings could be an overwhelming peace during a trial, where in the past fear would have manifested. The blessing could be a repaired relationship that didn’t look like forgiveness would ever be forthcoming. It could be in a sunset at the end of a rough day which awashes the sky in orange, pinks, and blues easing the frustrations with the beauty of God’s creation.

God chooses blessings unique to us. No two people are created alike and no two blessings are exactly the same. God is the ultimate creative and He wants us to receive the blessings He’s offering. If you reject His favor because of fear, it greatly saddens Him.

Many people, myself included, have rejected, the blessings He’s readily given because of fear. For me, if it looked like I had too much, I had decided people might be thinking less of me because God has blessed me and not answered their prayer. Or worse, not thinking it was worth the effort to open my hand to God.


Now that I’m a parent, I have a better idea of how it hurts when I’ve crafted a surprise gift for my kids and they reject it. As tuned in as I try to be with my kids, I don’t always hit the mark and it shows in their faces. A six year old can’t hide disappointment with a gift.

But God knows me inside and out along with all my faults, but still wants to give me a blessing if I’m willing to receive it. Actually, He’s willing to keep showering us with gifts until we see them as blessings.

Ask God to open your eyes to the blessings He’s given you to fight fear and watch in wonder all He’s doing around you.

Is there a way you fight fear? Share it in the comments below to help and encourage others.

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