Embracing The Plot Twists

Today, April 6th, the day of this post, is my youngest kiddo’s birthday. Yes, you can celebrate along with me, but you will not be seeing a Pinterest picture worthy birthday party. Nope, we keep it chill with dinosaurs, monster trucks, and cupcakes at the local park.

My youngest was a surprise. See, I was headed in for another surgery. Yes, another one.

The doctor’s office suggested a pregnancy test before going in. It didn’t even enter my mind that we could be pregnant. My husband loved his stepchildren as if they are his own and we had made the decision to not have any more kiddos.

We had every reason in the book to keep our family of four. There wasn’t enough space in our house, we already had two amazing kiddos, we were happy with our life together and kids are expensive! Did I mention kids are expensive? Can I get an amen from the back?

To say we were shocked to find out we were having a baby would be an understatement. However, we knew God was in control and would provide for our family.

And His plans were beyond what we could have imagined. Our third kiddo has added to our family in ways we couldn’t have imagined. He makes us laugh, along with his brother, at their antics together. He fills our days with joy. Okay, full disclosure, most days are filled with joy. Then there are some days where my parenting skills are extremely challenged and I’m praying for a little sanity.

Three kids weren’t part of my life plan. It wasn’t even on my radar. It wasn’t on my husband’s radar either.

God had other plans for us.

We discovered His plans are better than the ones we can create for ourselves. I’m learning to embrace the plot twists He puts in my life.

I’m a planner. I even have a degree in planning. Seriously, I like to plan!

When things don’t go as I’ve planned them or they haven’t met my expectations, then I freak out. Freak out is a technical term for being snappy at my husband, a little short with my kids and disappointed in myself because I didn’t anticipate a curve.

God likes to throw us curves.

If we didn’t have curves, we wouldn’t be dependent on Him. We wouldn’t experience the adventure He has for us. We wouldn’t experience His plan for our lives.

Because His plan is better than anything we can plan for ourselves.

I use this verse often, but it’s too good, too perfect not to use here. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

We can rest assured that our plot twists are all part of God’s plan. He has declared that:

  • We will prosper.
  • We have a hope.
  • We have a future.

The plot twists in our lives allow our trust in God’s plan to grow. We have no idea what will become of the plot twist, but we can rest assured that God does and that is enough.

How do you handle plot twists in your life? Share it in the comments below to encourage others.

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