Curating our calling. What does this mean exactly? Is it about finding the one thing we are good at? Or is it using our gifts and talents in a multitude of ways?
I’ve struggled with curating my calling. Actually, I’ve spent most of my life trying to figure out the perfect calling for myself. If there is an aptitude or personality test on the market, I’ve probably taken it.
I thought if I could find the one thing I was called to do, then my life would be perfect. I would be fulfilled and have my passion satisfied because I was doing what I loved. Isn’t that what the world tells us?
News flash, my life will never be perfect.
Neither will yours.
Sorry, if this news comes as a shock to your system.
I’m coming to realize, I was using my calling to take God’s place. If there is one thing God hates, it’s loving or seeking things which we put above Him. He will not bless my journey until I surrender this journey to Him.
I’m a serial discoverer. I like to explore new things. It could be through a class or traveling or reading a book. I want to keep learning unique and different things.
It’s about learning these unique and different things which have to lead me to start using the particular talents God has given me in different ways.
God might not call us to do one thing and one thing only.
Yes, I’m a professionally trained and educated planner. But this doesn’t mean I can’t branch out and do different things with my life.
While right now I write this blog on the side, a moonlighting blogger if you will. I hope to one day soon, it turns into a full-time gig. This might be a long time coming, but I’m being faithful and curating the call to be a writer.
Instead of waiting for a publisher to pick up another one of my books, I using this blog to tell the stories God has put in my heart and craft my voice. If you’re a return visitor, my hope is you’re enjoying the progression of my writing as much as I enjoy sharing it with you.
This is only one of the things God has called me to do. I also have the privilege of being a wife and mother. It’s in this calling when I feel the greatest satisfaction.
When my husband and kiddos are able to know in the deepest places of their heart that they are loved unconditionally, then I’ve done my job as a wife and parent. My kids understand the reason I push them, discipline them, and praise them is all based on this love.
I hope to emulate the love Jesus showed the world. It’s in this love where I want to point my kids to Jesus. If you watch any sporting event you are probably familiar with this verse because someone holds it up as the camera pans the audience.
John 3:16 (NLT) “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”
My calling is filled with multiple facets. God created the universe. All the way down to the smallest seed, He saw fit to build us a Kaleidoscope of colors, textures, and environments to enjoy.
Why would He only give us one calling to curate? He wouldn’t. Rest easy in knowing while God could be calling you to do multiple things, He is always the best tour guide through this journey of life.
Are you struggling with multiple callings in your life? How do you handle it? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Surrendering to the Authentic Life - Living the Authentic Life
[…] However, I’m not a passive passenger on this journey. God asks all of us to be part of spreading the Good News. The Good News of eternal life, forgiveness, and loving our neighbors and enemies. It’s part of our calling. […]