Creating Success with Habits

Congratulations on making another trip around the sun! It’s a new year! This probably isn’t news to you. The Christmas decorations are being put away, guests rooms are being cleaned and we are getting back into our daily routines.

How are those daily routines? Do they draw us toward our God given goals that we talked about last week? Or are they drawing us father away from what God has called us to do?

Our daily habits present us possibilities for success. We all have habits. It’s in our daily routine where we create small, subtle changes. It’s in the choices we make everyday. Habits are things we do without thinking about them. As you well know, some habits can bring us success, while others can bring ruin to our lives.

I’m challenging myself this year to be present in my habits. Instead of being on autopilot throughout my day, I’m present and fully conscious in my life. For me, I’ll admit, this is easier said than done. Autopilot in my life is easier, but being on autopilot doesn’t lead me to God’s best for my life.

Some habits can be good and create success in our lives. Last year, I decided on eight daily habits I was committed to completing before my head hit the pillow every night. Now, those eight things I do automatically. I get a twitch if I don’t finish them in some form or fashion.

The eight habits I chose for myself were as follows: have a daily quiet time, review the vision mantras that I created with God, exercise (yes, I exercise everyday, even if it’s a 30 minute walk around my house), write, read 10 pages of a nonfiction book, take my vitamins, read a chapter of Proverbs and write out five things I’m grateful for at the end of the day.

Creating these habits at first was difficult. There were some days I decided I was too tired. Then I would look at how long I’d kept the streak alive for my daily habits. Since May 19th of 2017, I haven’t missed a day of completing each one of these habits.

I’m not writing out this list to brag or to put pressure on someone else to follow this pattern. What I’m saying is, this is what I believe God has lead me to do in my life to create healthier habits for myself. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, (NLV), it says, “Do you not know that your body is a house of God where the Holy Spirit lives? God gave you His Holy Spirit. Now you belong to God. You do not belong to yourselves. God bought you with a great price. So honor God with your body. You belong to Him.”

My daily success habits weren’t to create a new set of “To Do’s” but rather to replace my unhealthy habits of Netflix binging, spending time scrolling social media or playing games on my phone. When I needed to work on one of my daily success habits, I didn’t have time for the things that were keeping me from living the life God had called me to.

I have been bought at a price. You have been bought at a price.

The price was the cross.

Jesus bore unbelievable pain so I could be with Him for eternity. He has called me to live at a higher standard than simply taking up space in this world.

Now that’s it’s 2018, I’m reevaluating the daily success habits. Is this still where God wants me to be spending my time or is there something else that He wants me to stretch out and do through these small, subtle changes on a daily basis? This is what I’m working on in January.

Are there habits you need to change to create success in your life? Share it in the comments below to encourage others on their journey.

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