
  • Godly Goals

    On Monday, it’s New Years. New Years is about fresh starts and creating a path for a more productive year. But what if we take our goals and then tell God how we’d like them fulfilled? Is that what God wants from us? I don’t think so. In Proverbs 16:9 (NLT) it states, “We…

  • Firmer Foundation

    I have a confession to make. My security hasn’t always come from the One who promises a firm foundation. We are instructed to build our lives on the foundation of God. Jesus spoke of how important it is to live by His teachings. The word important, doesn’t paint the picture I truly want to…

  • Deeper Dependence

    Deeper dependence. I want to depend on God, but on days where it feels like the world in stronger than my faith, my dependence is shaken rather than strengthened. However, how can I achieve this deeper dependence on God rather than relying on myself? What does it mean to have deeper dependence and what…

  • Persistent Peace

    Keeping the peace in my family is challenging with three kids all excited about Christmas and what Santa will leave under the tree. Even my 14 year old still believes in Santa, although I think she’s hedging her bets because Santa brings things off her wish list when Mom and Dad say, “Absolutely not!”…

  • Being Enough

    When is enough, enough? As the holidays are in full swing, it feels like there isn’t enough of us to go around. Getting up and putting one foot in front of another seems to take all our effort. There’s no end in sight, except on January 2nd, if we can hold on until then.…

  • Fighting Fear

    Fear is tough. It can paralyze us. It can stop the work God wasn’t to do in our live because we can’t image taking one more step on the path God has laid out for us. Moving towards the dreams He’s put in our hearts becomes almost impossible with fear. The sweaty palms, hearts…

  • Short Cuts = Dead Ends

    With the rush of the holidays, I’m all for shortcuts. I don’t make stuffing from scratch, stovetop is just fine. Starting things from scratch when I’m feeding 16 people at Thanksgiving dinner isn’t happening. Did I mention that most of those 16 hungry people are firefighters who keep going into the kitchen trying to…

  • Amazed by Grace

    When I mention the word, grace, what pops into your head? Maybe the famous song, Amazing Grace? Or something extended to you in a moment of weakness? I previously wrote about a police officer extending me grace by not giving me a well deserved speeding ticket. Then there is the ultimate grace. God’s grace.…

  • Listen with Heart

    The heart. It’s one of the most talked-about components of the Bible. Entire modern day books have been written about it. The Bible has instructions for it and in Proverbs 4:23 (NIV) it says, “Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” If everything we do flows from the…

  • Breaking Our Mask

    As the kids put on masks for Halloween, I wonder how many masks I wear in a day to get through until I crawl into bed at night. There is the happy mask I slap on at the office when clients are yelling at me for things in which I have no control over.…