
  • The Five P’s of Battling Fear and Anxiety

    My cell phone flew out of my hand as the words “STOP, ejected from my mouth. A crunch of metal and glass braking was the response. My thoughts rattled around my head as I worked to make sense of what happened. We’d been hit broadside by a truck without headlights at an intersection with…

  • Grabbing for God – Rather than our Cell Phone

    Sheets cocooned me in a warm embrace. The sun poked its rays through the gaps in my blind. Yet, the thought of releasing myself from bed did not fill me with joy. I didn’t feel like rising and shining and giving God glory. I wanted a few more minutes of shut-eye. I wanted to…

  • Surrendering to the Authentic Life

    “Pants! You need pants!” I shouted. My eyes glanced outside at the snow peacefully falling, but my insides were boiling enough to melt the new snow. “We are leaving in five minutes for school. Jeans are necessary on a snowy day.” “They’re too tight. I can’t make it on the stairs to the second…

  • Start Living the Authentic Life

    Can you feel that? It’s the excitement in the air. There’s a new movement. The movement is about getting back to basics. I’m not talking minimalism here, but it could be an outcome of this journey. The journey to creating the life God intended for you. The life you are meant to live.  Living…

  • Getting the Blog Back Together

    We’re getting the blog back together. It’s like getting a band back together. Only this is writing, not music and it’s me getting back on the blog bandwagon after an unintended two-year break.   After a long hiatus and putting together what I want this blog to look like in the future, my advisory team,…

  • Hitting the Wall

    This post is late. Not because I have any less commitment to writing this blog or my faithful readers. Thank you for still reading after two years of my musings appearing on your screen. This post is late because I hit a wall. Not a real wall. For those of you who know me…

  • How Crossfit Made Me a Better Christian

    Swimsuit season is in full swing. It’s also the time of year when we are working out to look good in those swimsuits. It’s never too late to get in shape. If we still have breath in our lungs, then is time to make a healthy choice. Recently, I decided to make a healthy…

  • The Cost of Compromise

    There is a cost in compromising. We ask ourselves, “What difference will it make? Who will know?” It’s questions like these which can lead us into to compromise. Comprise our values. Compromise our faith. Compromise who we are, who God made us to be. We start compromising in the little things. At one time…

  • Accepting the Invitation

    Welcome to June. It’s the month of weddings and celebrations. The invitations for these events come in all shapes and sizes. Most invitations provide an indication of what type of event it will be. Fancy invitations with gold foil writing will probably mean an extravagant wedding. A destination event might have a fun font…

  • We are Warriors

    Happy Memorial Day Weekend! You are a warrior. I am a warrior. We are warriors. It might not be self-evident when our image is reflected back to us in the mirror. But you my friend, are a warrior. There are many things we battle against in our lives. It could be an unexpected illness,…