Kris Valdez

  • Replace Complacency with Gratitude

    Gratitude instead of complacency. What would happen if we approached life with gratitude rather than complacency? Many people think the opposite of gratitude is complaining. While this could be true in some instances, I believe the true enemy of gratitude is complacency. When we look at life through a lens of complacency, our heart…

  • Be Set Apart

    Alone. This is what I think of when I hear the words set apart. It doesn’t sound special or cool. It’s being the kid at the lunch table who doesn’t have any friends so you sit alone and hope no one notices you. Not that I ever experienced anything like this. I’m relating this…

  • Living in the Moment

    Live in the moment. It’s one of my New Year’s Resolutions. Yes, it’s the end of February and I’m stilling working on my resolutions. How are your resolutions going? Hopefully, the resolutions born out of your long-held dreams haven’t crashed and burned yet. If they have, you’re in good company and you need to…

  • Creating a Joy Filled Life

    Filled with joy. Doesn’t it sound amazing? To be filled with joy? I think so. There are days where being filled with joy are easier than others. This is more than having a positive mindset. Although a mindset can make all the difference in success instead of failure. No, I’m talking about a joy…

  • Celebrate Love

    This isn’t the blog post you were supposed to read. There was another blog post for this week. I struggled with writing it. It wasn’t coming together as easily as other posts. I said to myself, I need to work through it, push harder and just get it done until I wrote “The End.”…

  • Choose Joy

    Choose joy. Those two words sound so simple. Just choose joy. Instead of the worry, the dread, the fear of what has happened or could happen in the future. What if we choose joy instead? Really, how can we choose joy? Do you not see the pile of bills stacked up next to me?…

  • The 2018 Word

    How are your New Year’s resolutions coming? We are one month in and many people have already ditched their goals. The gyms are getting empty. Sales of junk food are back up because in the United States we have the Super Bowl, which has almost become a national holiday. Setting all the resolutions aside,…

  • Comparison Kills

    Comparison kills our dreams. So stop it. I could write, “The End” for this post right here. Saying, just stop it is easier said than done. I know. I get it. Been there, done that. I have the t-shirt. Comparison is the enemy’s way of sidelining us from the path God wants us to…

  • Finding Joy in the Journey

    Life is a journey. Hopefully, we are all able to take a long journey. But, are we finding joy in the journey, no matter how long it is? It’s one thing to go through life as if we are trudging and dragging our feet in mud; shoulders drooping from the weight of our problems.…

  • Creating Success with Habits

    Congratulations on making another trip around the sun! It’s a new year! This probably isn’t news to you. The Christmas decorations are being put away, guests rooms are being cleaned and we are getting back into our daily routines. How are those daily routines? Do they draw us toward our God given goals that…