Kris Valdez

  • Feeling The Fear

    On a recent visit to the library on a beautiful, unusually warm, sunny, spring day, my youngest and I walked to the library while the rest of our crew were out having other adventures. My youngest is obsessed with dinosaurs. He challenges the librarians almost weekly to find out if new books are on…

  • Failure is an Option

    Can failure ever be an option? “Failure is not an option,” is a line from one of my all-time favorite movies, Apollo 13. For this group of scientists at NASA, failure wasn’t an option for them. They needed to get our astronauts home after an explosion on the spacecraft. No, disrespect to those scientists…

  • Breaking the Box

    What’s it like living in a box? There are days and moments when I live in a box. Before I get emails expressing concern about receiving mail at the address my cardboard box resides, this box is not a physical one, but a mental one. This box is where people categorize me. Sometimes it’s…

  • Being Big

    Being big. When we think of being big, especially when considering ourselves or our bodies, it has a negative connotation. Then there is the opposite side of the coin. We hear the saying, bigger is better, right? My other favorite saying is, go big or go home. Could going after the big thing be…

  • Hearing God’s Voice

    Can we hear from God? I’ve often asked myself this question. Typically followed up by these questions. How do I know if I’m hearing from God? Is this dream or goal I have lining up with what God wants for me? How do I know what direction God wants me to go? We need…

  • Curate Our Calling

    Curating our calling. What does this mean exactly? Is it about finding the one thing we are good at? Or is it using our gifts and talents in a multitude of ways? I’ve struggled with curating my calling. Actually, I’ve spent most of my life trying to figure out the perfect calling for myself.…

  • Embracing The Plot Twists

    Today, April 6th, the day of this post, is my youngest kiddo’s birthday. Yes, you can celebrate along with me, but you will not be seeing a Pinterest picture worthy birthday party. Nope, we keep it chill with dinosaurs, monster trucks, and cupcakes at the local park. My youngest was a surprise. See, I…

  • Penning Our Purpose

    What is your purpose? If I asked you, what has God created you for, would you have an answer? If you don’t you’re in the right place. If you do, then you’re also in the right place because we can refine it and push it forward. How do we discover our purpose, refine it…

  • Deserving Our Dreams

    What’s your dream? This question can be difficult to answer. Sometimes, the roar of the world dulls the whisper of the dream God has given us. I want to assure you of something. God has placed a dream in your heart. It might be dim right now, but if we ask God to fame…

  • Reflecting God’s Fragrance

    Birds of a feather flock together. This old saying means similar people stay together and are drawn to each other. It could be a group of friends, a marriage, or a business partnership. These relationships rub off on us. We begin to reflect the fragrance of those closest to us. What fragrance are we…